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Plenary Speakers

Prof. Do Young Noh

President of Inst. for Basic Science

Professor Do Young Noh is a South Korean physicist specializing in condensed matter

physics and materials science using synchrotrons and XFELs. He was appointed as the third
president of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in December 2019.

He received his bachelor’s degree in physics from Seoul National University in Korea in
1985. He then studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in USA for his
Ph.D. which was completed in 1991. After graduating, he stayed at MIT as a post-doctoral
associate through 1992. His next position was as a senior physicist at the Exxon Research and
Engineering Company in 1993. Since 1995, he has served as a professor of physics and
materials science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in Korea. Over
the years, he served as the head of the School of Materials Science and Engineering and the
dean of GIST College. He has led key national research projects including Brain Korea 21
(BK21), National Core Research Center (NCRC -Center for Extreme Light Applications) and
Science Research Center (SRC-Center for Advanced X-ray Science) project as a director.

He has also served a member of the National Science and Technology Council's Advanced
Integration Convergence Committee and a member of the Advanced Technology Integration
Committee of the National Science and Technology Council. He served as the chairman of
basic research committee and finally served as a member of the deliberative council of the
Presidential advisory council on science and technology.

As an expert in physics, Professor Noh has published over 200 SCI papers. He has also
developed and applied various frontier X-ray diffraction methods to study condensed matter
systems, including coherent X-ray diffraction imaging technique. His research has utilized a
number of synchrotron radiation facilities, such as Advanced Photon Source, SPring-
8, National Synchrotron Light Source, PLS, and X-ray free electron lasers, including SCALA
and PAL-XFEL. He served as the president of the Korea Synchrotron Radiation Users’

In recognition of his contribution, he was awarded the Korean presidential commendation
and the Korean Science and Technology Medal.
