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Abstract Submission

Call for Papers


Science and Technology (S&T) sessions of EKC provide excellent opportunities for the participants to exchange state-of-the-art knowledge in comprehensive scientific areas ranging from basic science to various engineering fields. In addition, EKC has been serving as a perfect platform for establishment of collaboration between Korea and Europe, and for finding research/business counterparts. Participants from diverse sectors as well as academia are welcome to attend S&T sessions of EKC2023, and to share their insights with one another. Multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral collaboration is the key feature of EKC.



Abstract Submission


1. The submission system requires the following contents:


  • Title
  • Tack (Division), choose "poster" if you wish to present your abstract as a poster and not as an oral presentation
  • Name of authors
  • Affiliation of authors
  • Abstract (minimum 300, maximum 600 words)
  • Keywords


2. Abstracts should be written in English.


3. Authors will be notified of their submission confirmation via email.


4. Important dates are as below.



Important Dates


  • 15 February, Session Proposal Deadline
  • 1 April - 15 June, Abstract Submission ( Extended : 30 June, 2023 )
  • 31 May, Early-bird Registration Deadline ( Extended : 15 June, 2023 )
  • 30 June, General Registration Deadline ( Extended : 15 July, 2023 )

An instruction for abstract submission



1. Account Creation


  • Click the "login" button on the top-right of the first page. It will lead to the login page.



  • From the login page, click the "create one here" button to move to the account creation page.



  • Fill out your email and CAPCHA numbers and click the "Send me a verification email" button.



  • Check your mailbox and verify your email address. Clicking the link will re-open the account-creation form.



  • Fill out the form and click the "Create my Indico profile" button.




2. Login


  • Click the "login" button on the top-right of the screen on the main page. It will lead to the login page. Input your user ID and password and click the "login" button. 



3. Abstract submission


  • After the login, on the first page, click the "Submit new abstract" button.


  • Fill out the title and content in the form.



  • Add the author (you) to the "Authors" and **select "speaker" (mandatory)**



  • Select the track (a.k.a. division) that your abstract should belong to. Provide keywords and References, then click the "Submit" button.



  • You can check your submission and its review status at the redirected page.




4. Questions


  • Contact for further questions regarding the abstract submission.

