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Invited Speakers

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Rationalizing building ventilation systems with regard to energy efficiency and occupant well-being



BELIAS, Evangelos

 Engineer – PhD candidate, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL

Meng, PhD candidate 


Evangelos Belias holds a diploma in civil engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. After working for two years on various construction projects in Greece and France, he received a prestigious EPFL innovators scholarship and joined the Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL) of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) to continue his education at the PhD level. His research focuses on indoor environmental quality and the energy efficiency of buildings. In parallel, he works as a building engineer in the industry on projects related to building energy performance and sustainability in the built environment.  

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Relationship between sustainability and artistic aspects in urban design



KIM, Ki Jun

Dipl. -Ing. Architektur

Principle Architect (Dipl. -Ing. Architekt), Atelier KI JUN KIM
Brief Career Overview:

Ki Jun Kim studied architecture at Korea University (B. Eng.), at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and at the University of the Arts in Berlin (Dipl. -Ing.) with DAAD scholarship. He worked as an Architect in various architectural offices including Peter Zumthor, Diener & Diener and Barkow Leibinger and as an Assistant Professor at Technical University of Braunschweig and as Adjunct Professor at Korea University. In 2016, he founded Atelier KI JUN KIM based in Berlin, and has been carrying various projects mainly in Germany and Korea.

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Exploration of Playfulness in Playgrounds, Classification of Its Types



KWON, Jaewook

Senior Designer in Creative team, Spiel-Bau GmbH

MA.BA. Play and Learning Design (Burg Gibiechenstein Kunst und Design Hochschule Halle)
Jaewook Kwon has been a playground designer for 10 years and has led and participated in more than 200 playground projects.

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

VR-EEG experimental analysis for the evidence of design criteria of a small-scale single room (talk1)

Is OOH Advertisement a Visual Pollution in Korea? (talk2)



Prof. LEE, Seung Ji Lee

School of Fine Arts, Incheon Catholic University


She received the Master of City Planning from University of Pennsylvania and the Doctor of Architecture from Yonsei University. 

Seung Ji Lee is a professor at the Department of Environmental Design at undergraduate and the head of the Department of Healthcare Design in the graduate school in Incheon Catholic University. She also heads the Healthcare Design Lab. She has focused on urban environments that can improve the quality of human life. In recent years, studies have been focused on the relationship between our physical environment and human health. Based on evidence-based design and neuroarchitecture, she wants to find an environment where people can be safe, comfortable, and healed.

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Decision support systems of smart cities for analyzing invisible characteristics in urban areas



Prof. KIM, Young (Youngchul)

Associate Professor, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


BSE, MSE (Seoul Nat'l Univ); PhD (UMich)

Young (Youngchul) KIM, Ph.D. is an urban designer, licensed architect, researcher and educator, currently serving as an associate professor of urban design at KAIST. He teaches history, theory and design in architecture and urbanism. His current research interests include investigating planning and design strategies within the context of smart cities and climate change and employing deep learning and artificial intelligence approaches for urban analytics to capturing urban invisible characteristics. His urban research and urban design practice both explore roles of built environments in human being's daily challenges to continuously sustain their urban life. 

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Indoor comfort of rural Houses in sub-Saharan Africa with house modifications for malaria control



Prof. LEE, Daniel sang-hoon

The Royal Danish Academy

Dr Lee has his background education in Structural Engineering with Architecture at the University of Edinburgh, where he acquired all his degrees, MEng and Ph.D. He joined the Royal Danish Academy, School of Architecture in 2010, and started his research with international collaborators for advanced structural systems. In the earlier years, he spent most of the time in the design and simulations of different deployable and facetted thin shell structures. In the recent years, his collaborations have expanded to different fields based on advanced simulation capacities. Currently, he is part of international projects, in which the objectives vary from understanding the structural behavior of dynamic building facades to the role of architectural design in reducing the risk of Malaria in Sub-Saharan region in Africa.

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Living in a Monument: Possibilities and Limits of Participatory Involvement in Monument Preservation Processes in Listed 20th Century Housing Estates




Research Associate, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar



2015-2020: Urban Studies B.Sc., Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

2017-2018: Erasmus, Università IUAV di Venezia, Venice/IT

2020-2023: Building Archeology and Heritage Conservation M.Sc., Technische Universität Berlin

2021-2023: Research Assistant, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space IRS Erkner, Research Area Contemporary History and Archive

since June 2023: Research Associate, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Chair of Urban Planning, DFG-research project “Wohnen im Denkmal: Erhaltung und Gestaltung von denkmalgeschützten baulichen Realisierungen zentraler Wohnkonzepte des 20.Jahrhunderts”/” Living in a listed building: Preservation and design of listed building realisations of central living concepts of the 20th century”

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

The Residential Culture with Neighbors



Prof. LEE, Seog-Jeong

 SA Internationales Stadtbauatelier


Owner / Partner of ISA-Stadtbauatelier, Office for Urban Design and Architecture, Stuttgart, Germany and Beijing, China (

Licensed Architect, member of the Architects Chamber of Baden-Wuerttemberg



1989 - 1995 Doctor of Engineer at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart, Germany (Theme of the dissertation: Urban Design as Task / Das Stadtbild als Aufgabe)

1982 - 1988 Studied and researched at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart, Germany

1979 - 1981 Master of Architectural Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea 

1975 - 1979 Bachelor of Architectural Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea 


Academic Appointments

2012 – 2018.08 Professor of Urban Design, Seoul National University, Graduate school of Environmental Studies, Seoul, Korea

2002 - 2012 Professor of Urban Design, Faculty of Urban Planning, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

1999 - 2002 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart 

Built Enviroment and Engineering Design

Form follows function? The development of industrial buildings in Saxony/Germany from the beginning of the industrial revolution up to today



Prof. Helmuth Albrecht


Institute for Industrial Archaeology, History of Science and Technology TU Institute for Industrial Archaeology, History of Science and Technology (IWTG), University of Technology (TU) Mining Academy Freiberg/Germany



(1974-1980) Academic studies of electrical engineering, physics and history at the TU Braunschweig/Germany; (1984) PhD in History at the TU Braunschweig/Germany


Brief Career Overview: 

(1980-1985) Research associate at the History Department of the TU Braunschweig and head of the University Archive of the TU Braunschweig; (1985-1995) Research associate and university assistant (since 1988) at the University of Stuttgart, Historical Institute, Department of History of Science and Technology; (1995-1996) Assistant lecturer for history of technology and industrial archaeology at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg; (1996-1997) Assistant Professor at the Chair for History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg; (1997) Postdoctoral lecture qualification in History of Science and Technology at the Faculty of History, Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Stuttgart; (since 1997) Chair for History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology and Director of the Institute for Industrial Archaeology, History of Science and Technology (IWTG) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg; (2003-2006) Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg;


Other relevant engagement experience:

(2000-2003) Chairman of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology; (2000-2019) Head of the World Heritage Project Group at the IWTG (Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region); (since 2006) Member of the Board of Directors of The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH); (2009-2015) Chairman of the Council for Industrial Heritage Saxony/Germany; (2011-2021) Member of the Saxon Senate for Culture; (2012-2021) President of the Georg-Agricola-Society for History of Technology and Industrial Heritage in Germany; (since 2013) Member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS); (since 2020) Head of the Scientific Board of the Saxon Industrial Museum;

(since 2010) ICOMOS Technical Mission Expert for World Heritage Nominations (Belgium, Norway, Romania, Czech Republic); Consultant for Industrial World Heritage Nominations 

Basic Science

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on transmission of other infectious diseases



Prof. JIT, Mark

Professor of Vaccine Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Education: BSc Mathematics (UCL, 1998), PhD Mathematics (UCL, 2003), Master of Public Health (Kings College London, 2009)
Mark Jit is professor of vaccine epidemiology and head of the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Dynamics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). His research group focuses on epidemiological and economic modelling of vaccines to support evidence-based public health decision making. Mark has published papers covering a range of vaccine-preventable or potentially vaccine-preventable diseases including COVID-19, measles, HPV, pneumococcus, rotavirus, influenza, Group B Streptococcus, dengue, EV71 and RSV as well as methodological papers advancing the ways vaccines are evaluated. This work has influenced many of the major changes to immunisation policy in the UK and globally. He also organises or contributes to academic and professional courses on vaccine modelling, economics and decision science around the world.

Basic Science

The Korean Experience of COVID-19 Response and Preparation for New Pandemics: A Mathematical Modeling Perspective



Prof. LEE, Jacob

Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine

Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine

Education: MD (Korea University, 1999), M. Sc. (Korea University, 2001), PhD (2016).

Basic Science

High-resolution spectral ptychography with soft X-rays



Dr. DAURER, Benedikt J.

Data Analysis Scientist, Diamond Light Source


2007 - 2011: Bsc in Physics, Technical University Munich, Germany

2011 - 2013: Msc in Biophysics, Technical University Munich, Germany

2013 – 2017: PhD in Physics, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden

2018 – 2020: Research Fellow, Centre for Bioimaging Sciences, National University of Singapore
2020 – current: Data Analysis Scientist, Diamond Light Source
Research interests: 1. Coherent Diffractive Imaging at synchrotrons and FELs
2. Ptychography 3. Computational imaging methods and algorithms 4. Single-particle imaging of biological systems 5. Wavefront characterisation

Chemical Engineering and Material Science

The Role of Alpha-Methylbenzyl Ammonium Iodide to Reduce Defect Densities in Perovskite Devices



Prof. Markus Scharber

Markus Scharber is currently Professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. He studied physics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and at the Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2002 he received a PhD from the Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells. From 2002 until early 2012 he was working at Konarka Technologies Inc. heading among other responsibilities the Material and Device Development Group. The main focus of research lies in the area of fundamental processes in novel semiconductor materials focusing on applications for energy harvesting and detection.

Chemical Engineering and Material Science

Progress in Lighting Materials and Devices Using Quantum Dots



Dr. WEDEL, Armin

Forschungsbereichsleiter ,Funktionale Polymersysteme

Fraunhofer IAP


Dr. Armin Wedel studied physics at the University of Rostock. In 1992 he received his Ph.D degree on the subject of "charge storage in polymers". From 1986 to 1991 he worked as a researcher at the Institute of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of Science in Teltow. Since 1992 he has been working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research in Teltow, later in Potsdam in different positions. He also works at the University of Sheffield at several research stays. He dealt with nonlinear optical properties of side-chain polymers and worked as a researcher on the subject of polymeric light-emitting diodes (1994), organic photovoltaics (1999) and organic electronics (2001). Now he is responsible for the development of technology of organic light emitting diodes and organic photovoltaics and has established the topic of quantum dots for display technology at the Fraunhofer IAP in 2009 together with the Korean Electronics Technology Institute (KETI). Since 2006 he is the Head of Functional Materials and Devices and Division Director for Functional Polymer Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research in Potsdam. He holds more than 18 patents, 70 publications in various journals. He is President of the German Flat Panel Display Forum (DFF e.V.) and officer in the Mid-Europe Chapter of the Society for Information Display (SID). In 2012 he received an award of the Korean Society Display (Korean Information Display Society) for outstanding achievements in the field of synthesis and application of environmentally friendly quantum dots (QD) for display technology.

Enviroment and Energy

Pushing the Frontier on E-Scrap Processing




Director, Head of Solution Sales and Development, Metals , Metso


Education: Master of Science in Technology (M.Sc. (Tech.)), Helsinki University of Technology (Finland), and Master of Business Administration (MBA), Hult International Business School (USA)

Mr. Pesonen is a technological management professional experienced in industrial solution sales and organizational development. He has worked extensively with mining and metals sector in many different countries across the globe and driven operational efficiency programs with good results. Mr. Pesonen has a proven ability to lead technical solutions in e-waste processing and gas-cleaning as well as building bridges between locations and lead teams with diverse backgrounds.

Enviroment and Energy

The use of alternative reductants in pyrometallurgical slag cleaning



Prof. LINDBERG, Daniel

Associate Professor, Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering


Education: D.Sc. (Technology) (Doctor of Science (Technology))

Professor (associate-level, tenure track) at Aalto University at the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering. I am leading the research group of Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Modeling, with research focus on high-temperature experimental phase equilibria of slags, mattes and alloys in mainly non-ferrous pyrometallurgical processes, as well as thermodynamic modeling and database development for slags, molten salts and aqueous solutions. Previously postdoctoral researcher at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and associated developer of databases in software Factsage, and senior researcher at Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Enviroment and Energy

Inhomogeneous warming of the ocean during the recent decades



Prof. PARK, Wonsun

Associate Professor, IBS Center for Climate Physics, Pusan National University

Dr. Wonsun Park is an Associate Professor at the IBS Center for Climate Physics at Pusan National University. He is an expert in climate modelling and climate dynamics. His major achievement is the development of a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model (Kiel Climate Model) and its successful application to past, present and future climates. After receiving Ph.D. from Seoul National University (2002), he worked in Germany for 20 years before joining Pusan National University in September 2022. His career includes postdoctoral positions at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg (2002-2005) and the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel (2005-2009) and a permanent position as a Senior Scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (formerly Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences; 2009-2022).

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology

Metaverse With XR Interactions and Experience-Centric AI: A Trial for Conversational Voice Bot



Dr. BANG, Junseong

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)


Junseong Bang received the B.S. degree in Computer Science Engineering from Hanyang University, Ansan, Republic of Korea, in 2006; the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Information and Communications from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Republic of Korea, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Since 2013, he has worked at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejun, Republic of Korea. In 2016, he also joined at University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejun, Republic of Korea. Currently, he is a Principal Researcher at ETRI and an Associate Professor at UST. He received the Hackathon Winner Award at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). His research interests include contextual computing, AI ethics, voice bot, computer vision, and XR.

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology

On scientific knowledge and approches to develop technologies



CHEONG, Jae Sook

Data Curator, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth


Long years of experience in software development (knowledge graph, computer graphics, computer vision); in coordination/collaboration among domestic/international companies and organizations; in the communication of technology to general audiences and stakeholders; in building sustainable and agile team works.

Data Curator At The University of Bayreuth since April 2022,  4 years as a Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Hof, 12 years Senior Researcher at ETRIETRI,

5 years Graduate Research Assistant at University Utrecht, 3 years Research And Teaching Assistant At Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology

Policy trends of spectrum for the next genaration broadband mobile from non-technical viewpoints



KIM, Juhoon

Deutsche Telekom


Dr. Juhoon Kim is working at Deutsche Telekom AG in Germany. Within the company, he is mainly responsible for the analysis of the technology impact and for the management of hardware standardization project. He is also working on several EU-funded projects which focus on new networking paradigms such as Software-defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualiztion (NFV), and Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN/5G). Previously, he received Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science from TU Berlin.

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology

Wireless sensor node and wearable gas sensing technology for security applications.




Senior researcher, 

Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)


Education: PhD. The University of Birmingham, UK

Ignacio Llamas-Garro has been with the CTTC since 2010 and recently created the interdisciplinary sensors and microwave devices laboratory as part of the navigation and positioning research unit. Previous appointments include a postdoctoral stay at the Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center, followed as a BK-21 Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Seoul National University, Korea. He was an Associate Professor with the Large Millimetre Telescope at the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics INAOE, Mexico, and a Juan de la Cierva Fellow with the Signal Theory and Communications Department at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya UPC, Barcelona. Research interests include device engineering and implementation from design to fabrication and testing, applied to wireless communications and sensors, including RF and microwave circuits, reconfigurable designs using microelectromechanical systems, semiconductor diode-based components and microfluidics. Micromachined devices, 3D printing of microwave passive components, inkjet printing of planar circuits and sensors, and micro/nano fabricated optical sensors for the detection of hazardous liquids and gases.

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Printing Composite Materials for Energy and Medical Applications



Dr. LEE, Jaemin

University Academic Fellow (Assistant Professor), University of Leeds


Education: PhD, KAIST

Dr Jaemin Lee is currently a University Academic Fellow (equivalent to an Assistant Professor) at University of Leeds. He has obtained his PhD at KAIST in Korea in 2016 and started postdoctoral research in Chemistry at the University of Warwick. Since joining the University of Leeds in 2020 as a faculty member, he has been working on a project on the development of magnetic composites for biomedical devices where he focuses on materials and novel manufacturing and process engineering. Some of his past projects include the development of scalable conductive nano-materials and manufacturing processes for energy conversion and storage devices and the interface engineering of advanced organic/inorganic materials for large-area display and energy applications.

Life Science & Health

Responding faster and smarter to infectious disease pandemics




Deputy Director, Statistics, Modelling and Economics

UK Health Security Agency, London

2021- Present Deputy Director, Statistics Modelling and Economics, UKHSA, UK
2001- 2021 Head, Statistics, Modelling and Economics, Public Health England, UK
2009 Statistical models in the aetiopathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease, University of Hertfordshire, UK

1989 MSc in Medical Statistics, University of Leicester, UK

Life Science & Health

MR Image Reconstruction using Deep Learning



Prof. PARK, HyunWook

Professor of Electrical Engineering, KAIST.


HyunWook Park is a professor of the department of electrical engineering at KAIST in Korea since 1993. He received the BS degree in electrical engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea in 1981 and the MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul, Korea in 1983 and 1988, respectively. He was a research associate at the University of Washington from 1989 to 1992 and was a senior executive researcher at the Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., from 1992 to 1993. He served as the department head of electrical engineering at KAIST from Dec. 2005 to Jan. 2011, dean of academic affairs from Apr. 2013 to Feb. 2015, provost and executive vice president of KAIST from Mar. 2015 to Feb. 2017, and vice president for research of KAIST from Mar. 2019 to Feb 2021. He was a key member of the development of the 2 tesla whole body MRI system at KAIST in 1985. Since then, he has developed a number of MR imaging technologies, including fast imaging, artifact correction, and accurate image reconstruction. His current research interests include MRI quantification and reconstruction using machine learning

Life Science & Health

New cutting-edge Technologies of Self-lighting Nanoparticle Photodynamic Cancer Therapy and the effectiveness of treatment



Prof. LIM, Hyun Soo

Sakarya University of Applied Science, Electrical and Electronics


Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Serdivan-Sakarya, Turkey


Prof Lim performs advanced research in Biomedical Photonics including, Development of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Laser Systems, Photodynamic Diagnostic (PDD) Systems and Medical Instrumentation and Tissue Optics including Monte Carlo Simulations to Measure Light Dosimetry in Biological Tissue, Measurement of the Oxygen of Biological Tissue using Optical Method Signal Processing Method in Frequency Domain for Measuring Oxygen Saturation in Biological Tissue and Measurements of Optical Coefficients of Biological Tissue.

Life Science & Health

Programmable Manipulation of Labeled and Label-free Cells Using Magnetophoresis


byeonghwa lim.png


Dr. LIM, Byeonghwa

Research professor, DGIST



Ph.D. in Department of Emerging Materials Science, Daegu Gyungbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Deagu, 2017.

M.S. in Department of Materials science and Engineering, Chungnam National University, Deajeon, 2012

B.S. in Department of physics, Andong National University, Andong, 2010

Mechanical and Aerospace Technology

Effectiveness Analysis of a short-term STEM camp program in Tanzania



Dr. KIM, Eunjung

Chargé de Recherche, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France.



PhD, Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Bachelor degree in 2001 and master’s degree in 2003 at KAIST, both in Industrial Engineering.

Phd in computer science (above), 2010.

Postdoc for 1yr at LIRMM-CNRS, France.

Chargé de Recherche at CNRS since October 2011.

Recipient of CNRS “Bronze medal” in 2017.

Appointed as an associate professor at KAIST, school of computing, starting from 1st January 2024.

Marine and Ocean Engineering





Reader (Associate Professor) in Marine Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University.


Dr Eddie Blanco-Davis is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Marine Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University. Eddie obtained a BSc on Marine Engineering and Shipyard Management from the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, N.Y., in 2004, and has sailed as a member of the engine department on different commercial containerships.

 After carrying out water and fuel treatment servicing for various industry diesel-powered generation plants, he performed as a project manager collectively for 4 years at repair shipyards in Panama and Mexico. He also holds an MSc and a PhD from the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

 His research interests include human factors applied to shipboard and pilotage operations; Life Cycle Assessment applied to marine operations and machinery; sustainable development, energy efficiency, renewable energy; marine environmental protection and regulation, including emission control, ship ballast water management and alternatives, and environmentally sound marine propulsion systems. 

 He has participated in various EU and UK funded projects and has recently secured funding as Co-I from a Horizon Europe call (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01), based on shipboard retrofit solutions to achieve 55% GHG reductions by 2030.

Marine and Ocean Engineering

The role of Offshore Wind in Maritime Decarbonisation




Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult


David is the Partnership Manager for Clean Maritime at the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, a research and technology organisation tasked with accelerating innovation in the sector. Whilst at OREC David has worked extensively on industry engagement looking at how to overcome the barriers to adoption of clean maritime vessels. In this role he produced the engagement report and barriers to adoption sections of the “‘Decarbonising maritime operations in North Sea offshore wind O&M: innovation roadmap” (DfT), delivered the industry engagement for the Bibby Wavemaster Zero C project and is currently completing a technology assessment for green service operation vessels for EnBW/BP. David has a BSc in Physics and an MSc in ‘Sustainable Energy and the Environment’.


Women Career in Korea



Prof. JUNG, Eunok

Konkuk University


Eunok Jung has been a professor in Department of Mathematics at Konkuk University in Korea since 2002. She earned her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the Courant Institute, New York University in the USA. After completing her Ph.D., she joined the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher and later a senior researcher for three years.

Dr. Jung is an expert in the field of Mathematical Biology, especially in Mathematical Modeling and Simulations of Transmission Dynamics of Infectious Diseases, Multi-dimensional Modeling of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical and Bio-industrial Applications, Numerical Methods in Computational Biofluid Dynamics, Optimal Control Theory: Biomedical Applications and Epidemic Diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Jung has played an important role in collaborating with government agencies such as the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) to provide scientific evidence for COVID-19 policies based on mathematical modeling. In addition, based on the recommendation of the Korean Mathematical Society, she received the Presidential Commendation in the field of science and technology in 2020. Furthermore, in 2022, she was awarded the Minister's Commendation from the Ministry of Health and Welfare based on the recommendation of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.

Dr. Jung served as the 7th President of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Currently, she is the Chairperson of the International Cooperation Committee at the Korean Foundation of Women's Science & Technology Associations and also serves as the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Mathematical Modeling Task Force (TF) team in Korea.


On scientific knowledge and approches to develop technologies



Dr. CHEONG, Jae Sook

Data Curator, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth


Long years of experience in software development (knowledge graph, computer graphics, computer vision); in coordination/collaboration among domestic/international companies and organizations; in the communication of technology to general audiences and stakeholders; in building sustainable and agile team works.

Data Curator At The University of Bayreuth since April 2022,  4 years as a Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Hof, 12 years Senior Researcher at ETRIETRI,

5 years Graduate Research Assistant at University Utrecht, 3 years Research And Teaching Assistant At Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


Allyship in Changing Era



Prof. KIM, Mihye

Professor, Chungbuk National University


She received B.S, M.s, and Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Chungbuk National University, Korea in 1992, 1994, and 2001, respectively. She is currently a professor of the Department of Computer Engineering at Chungbuk National University, Korea. Her research interests are in the field of Fuzzy Measures & Fuzzy Integrals for decision-making, Digital Therapeutics, Gesture Recognition, and Medical Serious Games. Furthermore, she is actively engaged in science and technology policy and new technology-based copyright law.

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